Artwork Specifications
Pre Press Art Service
Place a packaging order with us and we will prepare your artwork to pre press stage for free, ensuring what you ordered is what you get. Send us your ideas, sketches and samples.
Artwork Specifications
If you already have your own designs or trusted graphic designer to prepare your artwork, the following is a guide on how to best supply the artwork to ensure the best printing of your candle box packaging.
Dieline/template: Request from us a die line for your box that your designer will use to prepare the artwork.
Colours: All colours must be converted to CMYK format. We print in full colour using a four colour process printing, also known as CMYK.
Pantone (PMS colours for Pantone Matching System) spot colours may also be used. Custom made boxes with Pantones cost more to print. If you want to print with Pantone colours, please ask for a custom quote.
Bleed: A “bleed” is needed when ink will be printed to the edge of a box. Because boxes can move up to 0.8mm when being cut, you need to extend the ink 3mm past the perimeter of the box. This will guard against a white line being unintentionally added to your printed box.
Text: Convert all text to outlines/paths when sending to us. This avoids font issues.
Foiling: Depending on the size of your design, it’s important to understand that there is a minimum recommended size for fonts and other delicate details. Type appears bolder in foil than it does in ink, so intricate, very small or fine fonts or other design elements aren’t recommended. The minimum recommended font sized for most fonts is 8 pt and the recommended minimum weight ( thickness ) of a line is 1pt (0.3mm). Hairlines will not work in foil. Fine details under 1pt may cause the edges of the foiled area to look jagged or have small breaks.
Safety zone: Leave at least 6mm between graphics/pictures/text and the folds or edges of panels. You don’t want the graphics to become part of the panel fold, or cut off at the edge of the box. Remember, the paper can move up to 0.8mm when it is cut into a box after printing.
Images: Pictures and graphics need to be a minimum of 300 dots per inch (dpi). This gives good, crisp graphics. Anything less shows poor picture quality – halos around images/text, pixelation, etc. Images taken from the internet won’t work as they are generally less than 300dpi. Make sure linked images are embedded, or included when uploading.
Screen vs. Printed Colors: Don’t trust the colors you see on your screen or printer. A commercial printing press, which is what prints your box, uses a different system to print colours than what your screen or printer shows. Consequently, the colours will be slightly different. Use them as a guide at best. What looks good on the screen may not translate as well when printed on the box. For a true match of colours, consult a Pantone Matching System (PMS) book.